Monday, August 27, 2007

The Walk/On the Edge

The title is so because I wanted to share two thing. First is this, The Walk [you can listen (and pls. do listen, I could not put my point any clearer than what the songs has to say) by clicking the "launch media player now" option], a song by Hanson, which deals with what I really wanted to say in this post. Also, it is very much like the view of Nietzsche that one of my previous professors talked about, about man walking in a tight rope. The lyrics goes like this:

The Walk

He waits for the slow of the breeze
Oh, wow, look at him now, on his feet
High up in the sky
And every moment stands endlessly
It feels as though time isn't moving

And every second, one breath not to breathe
I watch as he moves to the beat
While I'm on the floor
I watch from my seat
And watch as he sways with the trees
And slowly he moves, but elegantly
I'm more on the edge of my seat

On the tightrope
Everything's bare
All that there is is from here to there
On the tightrope
The goal is quite clear
Don't lose yourself in your fear

Everyone waits on the walk
Some are long and some small
But all of them tall
Everyone must make a choice
Will I go for it all
And possibly fall
The tightrope is thin
I could possibly win on the walk

Well high on the walk
The tightrope it bends
And nobody knows where it ends
To win or to lose
You're all on your own
Everyone must be alone

On the tightrope
Everything's bare
All that there is is from here to there
On the tightrope
The goal is quite clear
Don't lose yourself in your fear

So there, that pretty much explains a lot of things. Oh, how I love this song, and the methapor used. I wanted to explain every line and how I read it, but by doing that I will be assuming that the reader do not understand the song, well, I want to assume that the reader is smart, and can see through the song as I did, so let its interpretation fall into the readers hands.

Well, on the lighter side of thing, the second thing I wanted to talk about, being on the edge, is somewhat related to the song and the methapor. As you can see in the picture, that is me, on the edge. Haha. It is somewhere in Tagaytay, a place we saw behind a house of a souvenir maker. It is a tree sticking out off the cliff, with a chair near its end. At first glance I wondered who had the courage of putting it there, and who has the guts to sit there, I mean, if you would see the pit, there is no way you can be alive after falling, but the fact that it is there means someone had put it and someone sits on it. Being the extroverted me, I asked the souvenir maker about it, he laughed and told me that it is his private chair. And being the silly me, I asked if I can have a sit in his private chair, he laughed at me and dared me if I had the courage, well, I really don't have the courage but I wanted to feel what it's like. So I asked him if he could help me, and he did. And there you have it, the highest point I have ever been, sitting on the edge of a tree sticking out off a deadly cliff. My sister seeing me instantly told me that she would take a picture of me, so I maid my pose, but as you can see, I still look afraid and silly.

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